At Giant Steps Tasmania we provide students with an individualised curriculum that is engaging and adequately challenging for each individual student.
Concept-Based Curriculum
At Giant Steps Tasmania we have a concept-based approach to delivering the Australian Curriculum. The process of developing our concept-based curriculum has involved finding connections between curriculum content across year levels (for each of our multi-age group classes) and learning areas in the Australian Curriculum. This connected content has then been developed into a specific topic that uses the concept as a lens through which the topic is taught, giving the content a specific focus or direction. Teaching through the lens of a particular concept enables rich, meaningful learning for our students and develops deeper understandings, beyond just covering content. We currently have an English concept-based curriculum and an integrated concept-based curriculum which is mapped to content in Science, Humanities and Social Science and Health and Physical Education learning areas of the Australian Curriculum. Our concept-based curriculum is frequently updated by our Curriculum Coordinator.
Age-Appropriate Content
Our teachers are skilled at differentiating to meet the learning needs of our students and ensure that all of our students are able to access age-appropriate curriculum content in developmentally appropriate ways. When planning our teachers develop learning goals that are inclusive and enable all students to be able to experience success. Our teachers implement a range of teaching strategies to ensure they are effective in promoting participation and learning in all of our students. They consciously use effective verbal and non-verbal communication strategies, to support student understanding.
Individual Education Plans
Every student at Giant Steps Tasmania has an Individual Education Plan (IEP). These plans are written by class teachers after collaboration with the student, the student’s family, our Occupational Therapist and our Curriculum Coordinator, to ensure they are strengths-based and student-centered. Individual Education Plans include information such as the strengths and interests of the student, the areas the student requires additional support, the adjustments that will be provided for the student to ensure they are able to participate in learning successfully and individual learning goals that the student will work towards achieving.
Therapeutic Programs
Our Occupational Therapist and our class teachers also focus on implementing individualised therapeutic programs which target social skills, emotional regulation skills, communication skills, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, self-care skills, life skills and strategies to help with the management of sensory processing differences.
Community Participation
At Giant Steps Tasmania we aim to develop motivated and independent learners whose resilience and self-esteem is evident when they are engaged in learning and interacting with the community. As such we plan regular opportunities for our students to engage with the local community. Community participation involves planned opportunities for our students to visit local businesses and community groups in Deloraine, as well as planned excursions in the wider community as part of our teaching and learning programs.
Life Skills
Fostering the independence of our students through the development of life skills is an essential part of the individualised experience we provide our students at Giant Steps Tasmania. Our Occupational Therapist and classroom teachers embed opportunities to actively teach and develop students’ life skills into classroom schedules, to ensure students gain self-confidence and problem-solving skills.
Tasmania Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC)
Our Year 11 and 12 students participate in Preliminary to Level 1 Tasmania Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC) accredited courses. These courses are designed for learners who require educational adjustments to support access and participation in learning. In addition to participating in TASC courses, our Year 11 and 12 students participate in our therapeutic programs, community participation and life skills development.